Zire 71 Photo of the day!
wWednesday, August 02, 2006 |

Anggun at Marina Square - 2
 Anggun and her new Crocs with mak at Marina Square
Anggun at Marina Square - 3

I was harrassed yesterday by this Malay woman. And she didn't stop there. She e-mailed me this morning. You know, in her own delicate ways telling me to repent. I told her to fuck off, of course. Enuf said.
Yasmin SMS-ed me this morning. She asked me if I wanted to watch her latest movie, Mukhsin. Of course I said yes lah. It'll on tomorrow. I will tell you if I like the movie or not once I've watched the movie. I will take some pictures also lah. I will post all the pictures I took over here. You know the drill.
Oh, and I've gotten two (2) tickets to watch the final concert of Akademi Fantasia 4 this weekend. Good seats, of course. I won't settle for anything less.
Read this. A very classic case of homophobia by a closeted queer.
Propa!: Pelakon lelaki popular benci "adik-adik" Oleh CK
HA, cerita yang akan CK tulis ini memang seronok untuk dikongsi bersama. Yalah, ia membabitkan seorang aktor yang boleh tahan kacak dan popular. Pendek kata, kalau CK sebut nama, semua orang akan ternganga.
Hendak dijadikan kisah, pelakon yang baru-baru ini pernah dilanda gosip hangat ini dikatakan cukup tidak suka pada "adik-adik", yang memang ramai jumlahnya. Pelakon ini pula sentiasa dikelilingi jurusolek, yang majoritinya terdiri golongan berkenaan yang ala-ala lembut gitu. Oh ya, "adik-adik" ialah perkataan manja yang digunakan di kalangan ?orang seni? untuk merujuk kepada lelaki lembut.
Rungut "adik-adik", aktor berkenaan memang tidak suka pada mereka. Tiap kali hendak disolek, ada saja songeh, bebel dan rengusannya. Hendak tak hendak, kena juga "adik-adik" itu menyolek pelakon berkenaan, walaupun hati terasa sakit, kerana niat mereka hendak mencari rezeki halal. Siapa yang tak terasa hati, kalau dia kata adik-adik ini sungguh menggelikan?
Tup-tup, tanpa ramai yang tahu, si pelakon ini pun bukannya baik sangat. Dia sendiri dikatakan menjalin hubungan mesra dengan seorang "adik-adik" lain. Oh, kalau macam tu, ini dah jadi kes hipokrit lah ya? Benci kat orang lain untuk menutup kelakuan sendiri, gitulah agaknya.
posted by Nizam Zakaria
at 9:28 AM |

wTuesday, August 01, 2006 |

Anggun at Marina Square - 1
 She likes to put on the child-stool strap all by herself. And then her tiny finger will 'tersepit' and she'll cry for 15 seconds or so. :: Oh, while looking for the photos I took of Rohaizad last week (he said his mom wants to take a look the photos), I found this photo he took of me while we were in for breakfast at La Cucur Cafe at The Curve
I've noticed how according to some Muslims (and if you let them get in their way), almost everything on this planet has porcine matter in it (Mentos, Polo, chocolate bars, your non-halal bf/gf). The next thing you know, there there's a fatwa to forbid the use of botox because allegedly it "contained prohibited substances, including those from pigs." Got such thing meh? Have they done their proper research in the first place? Have they consulted any medical professionals regarding this matter? I seriously doubt it. According to Malaysian Medical Resources, "Perhaps the Fatwa Council needs to review the facts again." No porcine matter was found in Botox. How typical…
posted by Nizam Zakaria
at 9:41 AM |
